
I'm Katie Rogers

Feng Shui Consultant, Interior Designer & Declutter Expert
Katie Rogers Feng Shui Consultant is based in the vibrant Birmingham, Alabama. Katie offers consultations world-wide via Skype. and/or phone. She is the founder of the Wind Horse School of Feng Shui, which offers both a personal transformation program as well as the certification track.
feng shui consultant

Consultations & Classes

feng shui consultant

Welcome to Katie Rogers Feng Shui

Hi. I’m so glad you made your way here!

Please feel free to explore pages here ~ the on-going classes, blog posts, and anything else that grabs your attention. Follow the chi, if you will!

If you're looking for a Feng Shui intensive study, including the option to be certified as a consultant, please visit my sister site, the Wind Horse School of Feng Shui.

In the meantime, I hope you sign up for my newsletter, which has the most up-to-date offerings and the links to the Free Zoom@Noons that happen the first Friday of every month.

10,000 blessings your way!

Cheers and chi, Katie.

Wind Horse School

The Inspiration of the Wind Horse

The legend of the Wind Horse is integral to BTB Feng Shui. Tibetan tradition refers to this powerful symbol as the great "bringer of luck." The idea is that we all have access to the Wind Horse, we all have the Universe on our side, we all have access to opportunity. But will we recognize and receive it when it shows up? In other words, the Wind Horse brings all things good. Will you grab the mane and take hold for the ride of lifetime...or will you let it pass by?

Why Study? A 9-Month Odyssey + Certification

The Wind Horse School of Feng Shui is set up to empower you so that you can have a rich understanding of these remarkable principles, offering tools for a lifetime. The Feng Shui Odyssey is a 9-month, small-group, interactive intensive, held mostly online. For those looking for a career in Feng Shui or want to take their understanding even deeper, there is a certification add-on option in addition to the Feng Shui Odyssey program.

wind horse school

What Services I'm Providing

Katie offers on-site and on-Skype Feng Shui sessions to offer clear and practical “cures” to any problem you may be experiencing.
Katie learned about decluttering and organizing by way of Feng Shui, when she realized her own “creative habits” were having an adverse effect on her life. She now teaches on the subject and declutters homes and offices for a living. Her inspirations are Karen Kingston and more recently, Marie Kondo.
Katie has been a certified arborist (a.k.a. tree specialist) since 2012 with the International Arborist Association (ISA). She specializes in urban plantings, tree placement, and volunteer management.

Work Experience

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UI/UX Designer
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Web Designer
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Web Developer
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Read Our articles

Katie Rogers

Interview with Mystic Magazine

It’s always fun to be written up regarding Feng Shui!  Enjoy this article by the Sarah Kirton in “Mystic Magazine” — Thanks, Sarah!    

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Katie Rogers

Before & After

I had a fun opportunity last month to help a friend.  Andrea Dapkus, an interior designer here in Birmingham, called me on a Sunday night

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