CLUTTER! Biggest feng shui no-no of ALL!
Here’s a peek at last night’s lecture on de-cluttering and organization:
The following lists are inspired and/or borrowed by Karen Kingston‘s book, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, because why reinvent the wheel? — this book is GOOD.
1. Things you do not use or love.
2. Things that are untidy or disorganized.
3. Too many things in too small a space.
4. Anything unfinished.
· Make you tired and lethargic
· Keep you in the past
· Congest your body
· Fear of being poor
· Fear of living your true path
· Fear of letting good things in your life
· Can confuse you
· Can affect the way people treat you – respect
· Affect your weight
· Can make you procrastinate
· Can cause disharmony
· Can make you feel ashamed
· Can put your life on hold
· Create excess baggage
· Can depress you
· Can make you more disorganized
· Be a fire/health hazard
· Cleaning takes longer
· Having clutter can dull your sensitivity and enjoyment of life
· Create undesirable symbology
· Can cost you financially
· Can distract you from important things – does your stuff own you?
· Lack mentality- make you poorer
· Stuck in your woundology – identifying with a sad part of your life
1. Get rid of it. No really. JUST GET RID OF IT.
2. Organize it. (From Sharon Stasney: Decide if the item is Priority 1 — needs to be accessible easily and often; Priority 2 — still needs to be accessible but not, say, on the countertop; Priority 3 — doesn’t have to be readily accessible — can be in more of a storage type space. Then give the item a “home” accordingly!)
Again, it’s just a peek, but hopefully an inspiring one. Now get to it!
IF YOU WANT MORE, then click HERE to learn more about this 27-day online Declutter Your Way to Clarity course that I offer. It’ll give you a kick in the pants so that you’ll never want to live with clutter again! Fun, easy, and good stuff.