Exposed Beams — Shui or Not Too Shui?

It seems like every grand home these days has exposed beams.  I’m not sure when this came on trend, but it. is. everywhere!

For Feng Shui Friday, someone sent me this pic with the message:  “Is this bad fung shei?  Beams on walls – bedrooms – I love the look!!”  

Here’s the thing:  in general, exposed beams are NOT good feng shui.

I know, I know — it’s cool-looking, it’s pretty, everybody likes it.  Everybody’s doing it.

But see below — these beams have a sharp, dagger-like feel, pointing straight down. Nobody’s going to be sitting on those sofas for very long!


The truth is there are instances where trendy, pretty, funky, and fun, and what’s in vogue in the design world are not the best feng shui.  Beams are one of them.

Here’s why:  They are big and heavy and very prominent in a room (or in the above case, sharp), accentuating the big, heavy, and prominent (or sharp).   Therefore, to our cavemen brain (which is still very much affecting us), they have an oppressive feeling, especially if you are sitting or sleeping under them.  It is a subtle and subconscious thing, but you will feel like “something is hanging over your head” or you’ve got something “bearing down on you.”

This bedroom is especially tricky because the beams are over the bed!  And look — it’s splitting the bed down the middle.  This could signify a “split” in the romantic relationship going on here.


Yikes, and look at this one!  It draws attention to the slanted ceilings.  Please don’t!

So what do you do if you have beams?  Like most everything in feng shui, there are cures.
1.  Bamboo flutes.  This is the traditional cure.  Go here for instructions.
2.  Hang a very large round-faceted crystal on the most damaging beam where people congregate or sleep below.  This will help disperse the offending chi.
3.  Paint the beams the same color as the ceiling to make them “disappear.”
4.  Remodel to have them covered!
5.  Use fabric to soften the blow.

I hope I didn’t crush any hearts with this post, because I know that people love their beams!  But trust me when I say that your subconscious will thank me if you do these easy cures.  Just try it and see if a sense of relief washes over your life.

After all, no one wants to feel weighted down!

  • Anonymous

    We have 3 large beams in our great room. The choice was not ours but they have to be there for structural safety. There are 2 wonderful skylights in the ceiling and a wall of windows in that room. The walls are a bright orange (very cheerful). We have 2 Chinese butterfly kites hanging from the ceiling. Does that sound okay?

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