Is This Painting Good Feng Shui For $$$?
Here was the question:
Hey Katie! My parents gave me this drawing when they downsized. I love this artist, love the drawing (it’s all pencil!), and love the way it is framed. But it is a ship on a stormy sea! Not the best feng shui I’m thinking! If I can hang it, what section of the bagua would it work????
Alright. Here’s the deal. Sailboats in motion are AWESOME feng shui in the Money section of the bagua. I have one in my Money corner, in fact, a pencil drawing as well, and I love it.
But, Oh, this is a tricky one…
…because there is definitely a storm a-brewing in this picture.
Or is it a storm a-waning?
Regardless, it’s a mighty boat on a mighty sea with a mighty sky. That boat is absolutely harnessing the power of the wind, and that’s exactly what the Money sector is all about — harnessing those Winds of Fortune, in fact.
My advice to this client:
Since you love it, I will say Yes, hang it in your Money sector, and only in your money sector. But be forewarned — you may have quite a strong wind of sorts coming your way, so please prepare yourself. According to the size and strength of the boat in the picture, you are prepared!
This is a case where I would have you hang it, but pay extra special attention to what happens in the days and weeks after hanging it. This is a riskier piece than some, given the storm, but if you feel like “playing” a bit with the feng shui, then I say go for it…. but learn as you go! And I 100% support you in taking it down if things seem a little rocky for you after you do hang it.
And, by all means, let us know what happens!
P.S. This is a little bit more advanced feng shui, but it should be noted: Remember that each room has a Money section in it — so if it doesn’t really fit aesthetically in the home’s Money section, the back right corner of any room will do! Especially an office!
This is a little bit more advanced feng shui, but it should be noted: Remember that each room has a Money section in it — so if it doesn't really fit aesthetically in the home's Money section, the back right corner of any room will do! Especially an office! fengshui