“Sparks Joy” or “Serves Purpose”?

A new client and I have had a jolly time decluttering, organizing, and moving her into her new home. She has beautiful things that she treasures, and she has a beautiful home, and I must say, [...]


VIDEO: Author Lanier Isom Declutters Her Books

I love books. If you are reading this, you probably love books too. For some, it represents their identity. For others, it’s a safe haven.  On a whole, books are seen as very positive in [...]


VIDEO: The Feng Shui of Decluttering – An Interview with Author Lanier Isom

Katie had the pleasure of working with Lanier Isom, the author of Grace and Grit, helping her to go on a DECLUTTER BINGE of sorts.  They laughed, they cried, and together they created a new and [...]


My Fave Declutter Books

Don’t even get me started on clutter  (Just put the word “declutter” or “clutter” into the Search window on my blog, and you’ll get some goodies!)  Hope you [...]

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